mobile phone jammers in schools

  • ニュース全般
  • perfectjammer
  • 21/04/08 10:56:47

With the improvement of people's living standards, mobile phones seem to have become their main tools. They not only use mobile phones, but also use them as social and entertainment devices to spend their free time. They use mobile phones not only at home but also at school, which seriously affects their studies and teacher courses. We know that many schools on the one hand prohibit students from using mobile phones, on the other hand, in order to better manage the school, the school is also in the normal system. But the student's rebellion did not seriously consider the school's ban. Although it said the school found that students were severely punished for using mobile phones, it did not stop the phenomenon. Then, the school adopted a more effective method, which is to use cell phone jammers to block cell phone signals from the school.

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