
  • 趣味・遊び
    • 879
    • ご祝儀(5万円)
      23/10/04 19:28:41

    And that people, is how Adol got the nickname "Adol the Shipbane".
    His first shipwreck in Esteria was an accident, an act of fate.
    But afterwards, it was the ships repaying him in kind for all those he sunk during this adventure.
    Now seriously, though, he looks so damn young. It's so nostalgic to see the Adol before his memory got wrecked, he rewrote reality and met himself.
    Part of the fun is seeing what new insanity he is going to find in Norse waters.
    And after this... who knows? Maybe we'll jumo to then time he started making his way into Afroca or beyond the Kefin desert... Can you imagine what would happen on the day Adol reaches ancient Japan?!
    Just the path there is bound to be... colorful.
    Ah, Ys, the series that keeps on giving. May Adol Christin have a looong life full of adventures.

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