
  • なんでも
    • 146
    • 唱えてろ
      19/07/14 20:59:46
    Kanjizai Bosatsu,
    who freely perceives all thing,
    practicing the perfect wisdom,
    cast the light of perception
    on the five elements that compose all world
    and saw that they are all emptiness,

    and thus overcame
    all affliction and disasters,
    and spoke:

    Oh Sharishi,
    form is none other than emptiness,
    emptiness is none other than form.
    Form -it is, in fact,emptiness.
    (Everything is nothing.)
    Emptiness -it is,in fact,form.
    (Nothing is something.)

    To sense,
    to imagine,
    to will,
    to conceive-
    they too are all like this.

    all these
    are,in character,emptiness

    They are not mere things
    that appear or disappear.
    Nor are they things impure or pure.
    Nor do they merely increase or decrease.

    And so, within that emptiness,
    there is no form,
    there is no sensing,
    no imagining,
    no willing,
    no conceiving.

    There are no eyes,
    no ears,
    no nose,
    no tongue,
    no body,
    no mind.
    There are no sights,
    no sounds,
    no smells,
    no tastes,
    no objects felt,
    no realms conceived.

    There are no worlds,
    from “there is no world of eyes”
    to “there is no world conceived by mind.”

    There are no twelve causes of pain,
    from “there is no ignorance,
    and there is no extinction of ignorance”
    to “there is no decay and death,
    and there is no extinction of decay and death.”

    There are no four truth-
    of pain,
    of desire that is the origin of pain,
    of the obliteration of that desire
    of the path to that oblitera.

    There is no enlightenment,
    and there is no attaining of enlightenment,
    because there is no attaining of enlightenment.

    Because one who quests for enlightenment
    relies on the Perfect Wisdom,
    his heart is free from obstacles,
    he has no fear.
    Released from all inverted thought
    and dreamlike delusion,
    he enters into the ultimate Nirvana.

    All Buddhas,
    all awakened beings of past,
    present and future,
    relying on the Perfect Wisdom,
    attain the supremly correct,
    universal wisdom,

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